Super Early Bird Offer - Book by Friday 26th June and save up to £100
America Square Conference Centre, 1 America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB
27 November 2020
Book Your Place Here
Psychiatry and Physical Health 2020 is a one day, CPD certified, conference which aims to bring together psychiatrists, GPs, specialist nurses and mental health leads to discuss the current issues and practical management in this area.
Individuals living with SMI are not reliably having their medical needs met, and are less likely to receive appropriate or timely physical health assessments despite their higher risk of poor physical health. Psychiatrists’ medical training makes them uniquely positioned to recognise and manage physical symptoms and support the delivery of high-quality, coordinated general medical treatment.
This conference will address factors that increase the risk of preventable health conditions, and provide tools for increasing early detection and expanding access to evidence-based physical care assessment and interventions.
We hope that you will be able to join us in London to share your ideas and help advance the development of mental health services in the UK.
Benefits of attending:
• Review effective physical healthcare models in mental health services
• Update your knowledge on three major risk areas for SMI patients: cardiology, obesity and respiratory disease
• Discuss the relationship between mental health and the microbiome
• Increase your understanding of neurological disorders with overviews and case studies on narcolepsy, sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, and concussions
• Listen to best practice advice from leading physicians across a broad range of specialties